Thursday, 12 February 2015

Re-Blog: "From Me To You"

Recently, our Dropbox has been getting more and more visitors. This makes us happy - we like the idea of others benefiting from our online sharing. In part, this has been helped by UKEdChat starting to share some of what's in there.

On Staffrm, Liam explained why we set the shared Dropbox folder up:

"I make resources and I use them with my class. I'm paid to do that. However, if I put those resources somewhere that others can make use of them, other teachers and children can benefit from what I created. Why don't I charge for them?"

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Estimation Challenge

At the end of January, I attended a day's maths training. It was good, I got lots of good ideas. The one that stood out was this one:

I sat next to a lady, whose name I didn't find out, let alone what school she was from (if I find out, an update will be added). She gave me the following idea.

Ask the children to fill pots and containers at home with 'stuff'. For example, paper clips, pebbles, marbles and so on. Then, each week, put one of these on display and invite the rest of the class to estimate the number of items in the container. Ensure the child setting the challenge know the answer. 

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Give Them The Answer

When completing calculations in maths, I've sometimes found that a child has gone through a whole lesson and some how managed to get all or most of the work wrong and not been picked up by a peer or an adult. While on one level this is not a huge problem, as it can be followed up later, it's not ideal.

I'd been looking for a way to avoid this and here's what I came up with...

Give the children the answers.

A) Get the children to start and after a few minutes show the answers to question one for all levels of differentiation, a few minutes after that the next ones and so on...

B) Get the children to start and then put the the answers to the first three questions only, as a guide. Children complete the rest of the work without know the answers.

C) Give the children the questions, with the answers already filled in.

By no means do I use this all the time. It's a idea, to use now and again. Does it work? Yes. The children need to understand that maths (or any work) is not always about getting the right answer. Mistakes are ok. In a lesson, children are learning, trying out and developing methods. Not doing a 'getting ten right answers' exercise. Children need to be confident in trying out their methods or jottings, comparing their answer to the one given and then, if there are any errors, they need to look for what went wrong, seek help from a peer or talk to an adult. 

Give it go. Not every lesson though.